The Growing Tree Learning Center (US)

Complete website re-design for a long-time COMMbits client, a unique childcare center in the US.

The Growing Tree Learning Center in Westfield, Massachusetts in the US enjoys COMMbits web technologies for 14+ years. They offer a warm, safe and nurturing environment, educational curriculum and caring Faculty.

Ms. Ellen Daniels, Director of the Learning Center, reached out to COMMbits initially in 2004 to develop the first-ever web presence for her Learning Center. The combination of daycare facilities with a fully-fledged educational center has been identified during the initial analysis phase as one of the unique characteristics of this Center, differentiating it from other similar facilities. The web site was subsequently developed with a concentration on this central notion.

Since then, the website went through a few transformations. When the site was initially developed, WordPress wasn’t even available yet. Later on, we “ported” the project into WordPress, without changing the design.

With this brand new initiative we have performed a complete website redesign, using current and modern tools and methodologies. The trend now is “Hero” images (full-width imagery and tag lines that tell a story), animated widgets, large copy text, shadows and easy-to-read bold statements.

Summer, 2018

You have proven to me, my associates, clients and community, that even the smallest of us (companies) can proudly stand next to the giants. Your expertise, creativity, patience and willingness to allow me to work hand in hand with you, has produced a web presence that transcends all others in our industry (and I am sure many others).

Thank you for helping us spread our wings to fly!

Westfield, MA, USA

Ellen M. Daniels

Founder and President, The Growing Tree Learning Centre Inc.

If you have a Vision We will help you turn it into reality

Website Enterprise-grade solutions!

Professional web design Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, and beyond

Web Design

Is YOUR website up-to-date? A new era of web design is here! Beautiful designs, modern standards. Refresh – Rethink – Get up-to-date!

SEO Services

White Hat, professional SEO methodology that focuses on human audiences to increase brand awareness and lead generation.

Business Hosting

The perfect complement to our web design service. Enough power to meet demand and shine. Outperformed by your competition is NOT an option!

Maintenance & Support

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Building long-lasting business relationships.

Ready to get started?
Get in touch today!

The Growing Tree Learning Center (US)