Domain Name Services
Let us take care of business!
Domain name management can be overwhelming.
The price for registering and renewing a domain name is very low. What can hurt your business is the actual administration of your domain name(s), which can be overwhelming to people with no technical experience. Let us take care of all these technicalities, while at the same time you retain ownership on your domain name.
Our low registration or renewal fee includes FREE domain name administration services. We will modify the domain zone file at your request at no extra cost.
We can guard you from all domain name technicalities
With us you always remain the legal registrant of your domain name(s). We are offering free domain name management services to guard you from all technicalities. If you don’t know what “A” records are, or “CNAMES” and “MX” records or “TTL”, or you don’t know how to create sub-domains within your domain name and point their services to different servers then our domain name management service is for you!
Combine our domain name service with our business web design service and our business web hosting for additional savings.