Martial Arts at the Muskokas. Become the best version of yourself!

With recent credits including Star Trek Discovery, IT Chapter 2, and Wayne, professional stuntman and Martial Arts teach Master Steve Gagne recently established new roots in the Muskokas in Ontario. Sharing a deep connection to nature and respect for all living things, Ace Sports and Entertainment was born.

His perseverance and devotion to his craft has made him a household name. To this day Master Gagne’s mission always was and continues to be- an inspiration to younger generations, and equip each and every student with valuable life skills.

Steve reached out to COMMbits and Al Poullis, a martial artist himself, guided him to a modern, responsive, sleek web presence to showcase ACE’s multiple services, including Tae Kwon Do teaching, and Parkour, for children and adults alike.

Also included is a modern blog system, with multiple index category pages and a powerful searching mechanism.

December 2020

If you have a Vision We will help you turn it into reality

Website Enterprise-grade solutions!

Professional web design Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, and beyond

Web Design

Is YOUR website up-to-date? A new era of web design is here! Beautiful designs, modern standards. Refresh – Rethink – Get up-to-date!

SEO Services

White Hat, professional SEO methodology that focuses on human audiences to increase brand awareness and lead generation.

Business Hosting

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Maintenance & Support

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Building long-lasting business relationships.

Ready to get started?
Get in touch today!

Action Center Elite