Looking for Canadian perfume bargains online? Look no further!

Perfume Bargains Plus, a subsidiary of MSS Deals of Toronto, Canada, launches a new Toronto E-Commerce web presence and a dynamic E-Store Shopping Cart system with COMMbits, now making available a large variety of perfumes, cosmetics and other products to online shoppers at very competitive prices!
This new website design puts merchants on the driver’s seat and allows them to maintain their own product tree, complete with prices, product descriptions, special offers, variations, shipping details, etc.

In addition, merchants are able to create special coupons as well as develop a series of promotional material (slides) which they can then easily display on the home page.

This particular project is powered by PayPal and houses a live connection to Canada Post for real-time calculation of shipping costs based on product dimensions and weight.

For more on how you too can launch your own eCommerce website with COMMbits please visit our Professional eCommerce website design informational page.

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Perfume Bargains Plus