Proudly Canadian

1 (416) 752-9513

1 (416) 752-9513

Proudly Canadian

A small Hotel, by cosmopolitan-Cyprus standards, but nevertheless offers an unforgettable personal experience!

Cyprus Hotel The Marjay Inn is located in the small Troodos village of Spilia, on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Hidden in the Troodos Mountains, the small hotel offers some of the best walking trails on the island, mountain biking, cooking and even wine trails.

This is the second website version for this small business. The first one, built by COMMbits founder Al Poullis in the late nineties, survived the test of time for more than 15 years!

This new iteration furnishes a simple, responsive web design that best captures the resident village’s unique and beautiful natural setting through new photo gallery functions. Also new is an on-line reservations form, social networking buttons as well as Google Maps integration. The project was completed under our Small business web design program.

If you have a Vision We will help you turn it into reality

Website Enterprise-grade solutions!

Professional web design Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, and beyond

Web Design

Is YOUR website up-to-date? A new era of web design is here! Beautiful designs, modern standards. Refresh – Rethink – Get up-to-date!

SEO Services

White Hat, professional SEO methodology that focuses on human audiences to increase brand awareness and lead generation.

Business Hosting

The perfect complement to our web design service. Enough power to meet demand and shine. Outperformed by your competition is NOT an option!

Maintenance & Support

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Building long-lasting business relationships.

Ready to get started?
Get in touch today!

The Marjay Inn