A quick guide on how to configure iPhone for use with with our Hosted Exchange solution. Updated for Office 365 and latest iOS screens.
Building modern, connected business applications
As you digitally transformation, you need to stay engaged to help your customers. Visit this website to learn how you can build a modern, connected business.
Digital transformation with Microsoft
In this inspirational video, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella discusses the role of technology in our lives and how people can use it to shape the future.
Customer Story: Think Up Consulting
This company chose Office 365 to streamline internal processes and dramatically reduce the number of emails employees send.
Web Hosting for Small Business. Beware of the Gimmicks!
Web hosting for small business. Beware of the gimmicks of mainstream hosting companies. Find out what really matters.
Is your business protected against data disasters?
Is your business data protected against disasters such as theft, fire or flood? Are you protected if you only take on-site backups on external drives? Do Internet drives such as Dropbox and OneDrive render the backup function obsolete?
Website hacked? You are not alone!
Website hacked. A scary thought. But you are not alone. Forget about the technicalities. Do yourself a favor and contact us IMMEDIATELY!